Sustainability Policy

Sustainability Policy:

At Mirrored Media, we are committed to making a positive impact on the environment and society through sustainable practices in our experiential and digital marketing campaigns. We recognize that experiences can change the world, and we aim to lead by example in creating high-impact, enduring lifestyle campaigns that recognize sustainability and social responsibility.

\ Mirrored Media is proud to have launched BMW IconicSounds Electric - an award-winning initiative that promotes driving electric vehicles through an emotional connection via sound, reinvigorating the experience between driver and electric vehicle. 

  1. Environmental Practices

1.1. Waste Reduction and Recycling: We aim to minimize waste and maximize recycling efforts within our workplace. This includes recycling as much waste material as possible and avoiding the unnecessary use of paper and printing, such as business cards.

1.2. Responsible Equipment Disposal: When equipment is no longer of use to the company, we will strive to recycle or responsibly dispose of it to minimize our environmental footprint.

1.3. Sustainable Purchasing: Mirrored Media will prioritize purchasing products made with recycled materials and products with a lower environmental impact whenever feasible.

1.4. Low Impact Transport: We will encourage the use of low impact transport options for travel whenever possible to reduce our carbon footprint.

  1. Social Responsibility

2.1. Community Engagement: Whenever possible, we will work with and support local communities, promoting local companies and workforces in our campaigns.

2.2. Pro Bono Services: We are committed to giving back to the community by donating our services to sustainable, environmental, and preservation charities that align with our values. We have proudly donated our services to a wildlife preservation and education charity for over 10 years. 

Recognition and Awards

We are proud of the recognition we have received for our sustainability campaigns. Mirrored Media's campaigns around sustainability, energy, and electric mobility have been honored by national and international awards bodies:

  • AME Awards: Environment & Sustainability - BMW IconicSounds Electric
  • Shorty Impact Awards: Clean Energy Category - BMW IconicSounds Electric
  • Shorty Social Good Awards: Energy Category - BMW IconicSounds Electric

Continuous Improvement

Mirrored Media will always strive to improve our sustainability practices. We will regularly review and update our policies and initiatives to align with the latest environmental standards and best practices.

Employee Engagement

We encourage all employees to participate actively in our sustainability initiatives and foster a culture of sustainability within our organization.

Stakeholder Engagement

We will engage with our clients, partners, and stakeholders to promote sustainable practices and raise awareness of the importance of sustainability in marketing campaigns.

Formal Sustainability Goals:

At Mirrored Media, we are committed to developing and producing events that are increasingly sustainable and environmentally responsible. We believe that every event has the potential to reduce our impact on the environment and give back to the communities that support us. We are committed to implementing these beliefs into every project.

We recognize that the events industry has traditionally been associated with significant waste and carbon emissions. However, we believe that this need not be the case. By implementing sustainable practices throughout all stages of a project's life cycle, from concept to execution, we strive to minimize waste and reduce our global carbon footprint.

We are committed to educating ourselves and our clients on sustainable event practices and making conscious decisions that prioritize the health of our planet. This commitment starts with our internal creative teams and expands to include our priority vendors and providers who partner with us to create events that are both sustainable and memorable. We believe that sustainability and creativity go hand-in-hand, and we embrace the challenge of creating unique and innovative events that are also environmentally responsible.

Our conservation efforts begin at Mirrored's offices. We have made a concerted effort to install appropriate faucets and toilets, reduce water use for landscaping, engage employees to be more carbon-conscious in their daily decisions, use energy-efficient light bulbs, and remove all printed materials from our workflows. We have also implemented stringent recycling and composting initiatives in our shared kitchen space.

Our goal is to inspire and empower others to join us in our commitment to sustainability and to create a more sustainable future for all. We believe that by working together, we can achieve great experiences while making a positive impact on the environment and on society as a whole.